Premiere Gal: Tips for Making Titles in Premiere Pro
Need to learn how to make a lower-third or title in Premiere Pro CC? The Titler Tool can be hard to use at first and may seem limiting, but you'd be surprised at what you can do. —Premiere Gal
In this tutorial, Premiere Gal shares several tips for making titles in Premiere Pro. As clunky as it is, the Title Designer is actually quite powerful.For example, did you know that you can import graphics into the Title Designer? Watch Premiere Gal import a PNG graphic and add a stroke to it at 0:39.
Import and adjust graphics in Premiere Pro's Title Designer.
Not a big fan of the default Title Styles in Premiere Pro? They really show their age. Premiere Gal teaches how to save your own styles at 3:06. That way you can quickly recall your favorite titles with a simple click.
Save your own Title Styles in the Title Designer.
Here's a little tip that might be a big deal to you. You can change the previews in the Title Style panel. By default the preview is "Aa", but at 4:49 Premiere Gal shows how to change the preview under Preferences > Titler. The limit is 2 characters. Also under the Title preferences, you can customize the 6 character Font Browser preview to something more relevant.
Change the Title Style and Font Browser previews in the Title Designer.