Post Production World 2016: Premiere Pro Roundup — Premiere Bro
Post Production World 2016: Premiere Pro Roundup

Post Production World 2016: Premiere Pro Roundup

The Premiere Pro Passport to P|PW 2016 

At Post|Production World 2016, Premiere Pro classes outnumbered FCPX classes 2-to-1 and outnumbered Avid classes 4-to-1. These numbers are approximations based on a NAB Show Session Search restricted to all Post|Production World programs; which, if you're not familiar with P|PW, is extensive. It is worth pointing out, trainers and sessions with concepts that applied to all NLEs usually, if not always, used Premiere Pro as their NLE of choice. You will find three such examples in this post. This list of Premiere Pro highlights from P|PW sessions includes live Tweets and Vines along with tons of popular Premiere Pro tips.

Disclaimer: As much as it wants to be, this post is not comprehensive. Apologies to all the Premiere Pro session trainers not featured in this roundup. Please provide links to live Tweets in the comments below to be featured in Honorable Premiere Pro Mentions. Thanks! 


The Future Filmmaker Panel

An excellent example of Premiere Pro's representation at Post|Production World was during the discussion panel The Future Filmmaker: How Technology is Impacting Storytelling. Two of the four panelists were Adobe product managers: Al Mooney, Senior Product Manager, Professional Video Editing, and Bronwyn Lewis, Product Manager, Mobile Editing. Not to mention the moderator, Maxim Jago, is a filmmaker, futurist, and the voice behind many Adobe Creative Cloud product videos and tutorials. Needless to say, the conversation was heavily swayed towards Adobe's impact on arising industry trends such as UHD, HDR and VR/360 video. 

Al Mooney spoke to some of the new features coming to Premiere Pro CC and how they give creatives the tools to tell better stories with emerging technologies. Not only does Adobe Creative Cloud provide technology that makes it easier for people to be more creative, it also makes it easier for more people to be creative — people who might not otherwise have access to such technology. Bronwyn Lewis gave real-world examples of how Adobe's mobile products are introducing more people to the creative community. This conversation of empowering creativity is not being initiated (or at least not this openly) by Apple or Avid. When it comes to putting technology in the hands of creative people and removing the barriers preventing them from telling their stories, Adobe is a leading influencer.

Titling for Video Editors with Eran Stern

Premiere Pro is certainly not lacking when it comes to options for creating titles. Many users give the Title Designer in Premiere Pro a bad rap, but let me remind you of another Adobe product that does text and integrates nicely with Premiere Pro called Photoshop. Not good enough? Do you doubt for one second that Adobe won't eventually integrate the best title tools into a dedicated panel in Premiere Pro CC? They already did it with color in the Lumetri Color panel. They introduced the same for audio in the Essential Sound panel, coming soon to Adobe Audition. Until Adobe updates the Title Designer, Premiere Pro users will just have to settle for Photoshop and the best title plugins by all the popular 3rd party manufacturers. Eran Stern of Stern FX listed some of them in his Titling for Video Editors session. His session is a good example of one where the concepts applied to all NLEs, but he chose to demo them in Premiere Pro.

Premiere Pro Bootcamp with Jeff Greenberg

Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to attend more than a few Jeff Greenberg classes. I always make it a point to attend at least one of his Premiere Pro classes for the same reason his fellow trainer colleagues do — he always teaches you something new. The wonderful thing is it might not even be about Premiere Pro! He might teach you something new about YouTube, or your iPhone, or how to be a better person. Jeff is a Premiere Pro master trainer who serves up practical knowledge in bite-sized pieces, perfect for live tweeting. Jeff is a post production consultant and a certified Premiere Pro master trainer; don't make him use his indoor voice!

Premiere Pro for Experienced Editors with Jason Cox

I had the pleasure of sitting in on a two-day Premiere Pro certification prep course with Jason Cox, a certified Adobe Premiere Pro trainer. What struck me most about Jason was his age and his knowledge of Premiere Pro seemed slightly disproportionate given the title of his session: Adobe Premiere Pro 250: Class for Experienced Editors. The deeper he got into editing with Premiere Pro, the younger he started looking! Jason has online video training available on Pluralsight. His most recent series, Premiere Pro Workflows Between Creative Cloud Apps, is an intermediate-level course on round tripping between Premiere Pro and other Creative Cloud applications. 

The Art of Organizing the Edit with Paul Murphy

Paul Murphy AKA The Premiere Pro, is another example of established young talent in the post production training game. In his session, Order From Chaos: The Art of Organizing the Edit, Paul shared his approach to project organization in Premiere Pro. As a former database developer and programmer, his perspective was extremely detailed and insightful. It was a full classroom, contrary to the size crowd you would think a class on metadata and media management would draw. It says a lot for the Premiere Pro editing community having an interest in project organization and workflow. Paul himself said he was encouraged to see this level of interest in the subject. Visit to see more from Paul Murphy. His video tutorials are refreshingly original with an emphasis on Premiere Pro editing workflow solutions.

P|PW Hands-On Training

The Hands-On Training courses were a new track at Post|Production World this year. Attendees were required to sign up in advance at an additional cost in order to reserve a laptop with software and project files. Yet another example of the subject matter applying to all NLEs, but demonstrated in, you guessed it, Premiere Pro.  

Premiere Bro had the opportunity to take on an active role in two of the three P|PW Hands-On Training courses. I had the pleasure of assisting Jeff Greenberg and Nick Harauz in Hands On: Mastering the Timeline: Color Correction and Grading in Premiere Pro and Maxim Jago and Cheryl Ottenritter in Hands On: Mastering the Timeline: Audio Finishing Techniques for Editors. Live Tweets by Premiere Bro were a little intermittent during this time. Next NAB Show, if you are looking for more involved training, the Hands-On Training courses offer the most Premiere Pro-for-the-buck.

Post|Production Campus

Last, but certainly not least, was the Post|Production Campus. If you did not have the opportunity to see the Campus, I hate to break it to you, but you missed out. The benefits of this new Post|Production World initiative were overwhelming! Consider what you got by stopping at the Post|Production Campus:

  • A chance to sit down on comfy sofas. Your feet would have been the first to thank you for stopping by the Post|Production Campus.
  • Outlets to charge your device. 
  • Raffles and giveaways! Prizes included software from Mettle, BlackMagic Design, Wipster, Boris FX, just to name a few. All you had to do was drop your business card in the bowl and sit back on a comfy sofa. Did I mention the sofas?
  • Free drinks during Happy Hour. No vouchers or drink tickets required!
  • Most importantly, free production and post production tips (think Premiere Pro) by some of the best Post|Production Worlds trainers.

Next NAB Show, make a plan to visit this gem on the show room floor. Make it even more worth your while by picking up a program and selecting a free Premiere Pro session. Schedule it for a time when you know you’ll appreciate the break and a chance to charge your phone.

Premiere Pro Honorable Mentions

The worst part about posts such as this one is failing to do justice to all those deserving it, in this particular case, all the great Premiere Pro trainers. Unfortunately, as much as it wants to be, this post is not comprehensive. There were far too many Premiere Pro sessions for one Bro to cover. If you have a Premiere Pro Tweet from P|PW 2016, have it featured here! Please use the comments section below to share a link to your Tweet. Thanks!

Premiere Bro P|PW Sponsors

Premiere Bro's attendance at Post|Production World 2016 was made possible by the following sponsors:

Future Media Concepts - FMC is "the nation's premier digital media training organization providing manufacturer-authorized training for professionals engaged in the production, editing, design and delivery of digital content." As far as Premiere Bro is concerned, FMC is responsible for the best Premiere Pro training events available to humans.

JK Design - JK Design is a New York/New Jersey full-service advertising agency for both B2C and B2B clients. JK Design. Building brands by design.

Have a Premiere Pro highlight from Post|Production World 2016? Share it with Premiere Bro!

NAB Show 2016: Premiere Pro Roundup

NAB Show 2016: Premiere Pro Roundup

New Editing Workflows Coming to Adobe Premiere Pro CC

New Editing Workflows Coming to Adobe Premiere Pro CC