NAB Show 2016 Guide for First-Timers and Premiere Pro Users
Get the Most Premiere Pro Out of NAB Show 2016
First NAB Show?
Mine too.
Wait! Before you close the window, here are some key things to maximize your Premiere Pro NAB Show experience! Scroll to skim or jump to the following sections:
NAB Show Survival Tweets
Like many first-timers, I have been researching NAB Show like crazy in order to pass myself off as a veteran. The following three Tweets are particularly helpful and summarize a lot of the advice for NAB Show noobs.
1. Pace yourself. By far and away, this is the most common advice I've received from NAB Show veterans.
2. Portable phone charger. Might as well make sure you have enough storage on your phone while you're at it.
3. Read Tips From A NAB Show Veteran by Walter Biscardi Jr. Everything else you need to know about surviving NAB Show is in here. By the way, Walter is presenting Adobe Premiere Pro Project Management and Project Sharing Best Practices at the Studio Network Solutions Booth SL11113. For more info, check out Walter's Where You’ll Find Me at NAB Show 2016!
Adobe Booth NAB Show 2016
Adobe just unveiled what's coming next in Adobe Premiere Pro CC! With a new wave of features, including new Media Management and 360/VR video workflows, there's more reasons than ever to visit the Adobe booth at NAB Show 2016!
My biggest NAB Show fear is not being able to find the Adobe booth—the Premiere Pro hub of Nab Show. So for both your benefit and mine, here is where we can both find it. The Adobe booth is located in the South Hall, booth SL3910. With an exciting lineup of speakers and product demonstrations, I don't want to miss a thing at the Adobe booth! (I wonder if NAB Show provides sleeping cots.)
The full lineup and schedule of Adobe NAB Show speakers and presentations is now available! Click the button below to view and save the Adobe Booth Theater Schedule pdf.
This section will continue to be updated as new Adobe speaker information becomes available. Also, for those Premiere Pro fans not able to attend NAB Show 2016, Adobe did an excellent job last year providing recorded speaker sessions on the Creative Cloud YouTube channel. (In fact, the Adobe at NAB Show 2015 playlist has 49 videos!) It's safe to expect the same this year.
Post|Production World
Second to the Adobe booth, Post|Production World is the go-to place for all things Premiere Pro at NAB Show. Premiere Bro is partnering with Post|Production World in a couple special ways: 1) Premiere Bro is a P|PW Social Insider with free session passes to give away, and 2) Premiere Bro will be assisting Adobe certified trainers Jeff Greenberg and Nick Harauz teach the new Hands On: Mastering the Timeline: Color Correction and Grading in Premiere Pro course. For more details, read the post below:
Moving to Adobe Premiere Pro Breakfast
For $5 you can get breakfast with Premiere Pro colleagues. Save me a seat and some pancakes! (Insert pancake timeline joke here.) This event is organized by Richard Harrington, founder of the Moving to Premiere Pro Facebook Group. The breakfast goes from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and is located at Peppermill Las Vegas. Join us and then we can all head over to the opening of the Adobe Booth Theater. Click the link for more Moving to Adobe Premiere Pro Breakfast information and registration. Hurry though! Seats are limited.
MediaMotion Ball
MediaMotion Ball is the cornerstone of the International Media Users Group. Founded in 1998, it is the longest running NAB Show user event. Come have a sit-down dinner with some of NAB Show's most influential attendees. This year's MediaMotion Ball keynote speaker is Victoria Nece, the newly instated Product Manager for Adobe After Effects. Get you tickets fast! At the time of this writing (4/15/16) there are less than 20 subsidized end-user tickets available. Don't miss the NAB Show "must attend" event!
Las Vegas SuperMeet
I have to admit, I don't know much about SuperMeet. Based on all the hype, I picture an epic networking event where everything is super. (Walter Murch attended last year's Amsterdam SuperMeet!) After scanning the SuperMeet website, the following made my Premiere Bro sense tingle...
“Al Mooney will demonstrate how the latest innovations will continue to make Premiere Pro CC the market leading NLE.”
Photo originally posted by ProVideo Coalition
According to this ProVideo Coalition interview with SuperMeet Co-Founders Daniel Bérubé and Michael Horton, Al Mooney will be presenting Premiere Pro in his usual style with his affinity for cats :)
“This year we are getting Al his own stylist. This should help those in the audience who have complained of his fashion choices in the past.”
If I had to put these pieces together, I would say Al's demonstration will include a couple sneak peeks of what's next for Premiere Pro!
The pieces are in place! Adobe just announced what's coming next in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. You can bet all the media in your bin that Al Mooney will be showing off these new features at the Las Vegas SuperMeet!
Visit for full event info and registration. Follow @CPUGNetwork for official SuperMeet Tweets, #SuperMeet.
Wipster's "Papercraft Collaborators" NAB Show Challenge
Interested in a fun NAB Show social challenge? Wipster has one for you! They will be hiding three "Papercraft Collaborators"—The Filmmaker, The Editor, and The Client—in Wipster display boxes throughout the NAB Show expo. Find all three collaborators, post a photo of them on Twitter using the #WipsteratNAB hashtag and be entered in Wipster’s draw to win cool prizes. Here's an exclusive Premiere Bro hint:
“Hidden at NAB Show, a Wipster treat; in a world where post and production meet.”
Wipster is a website that makes video review and approval joyful. This year at NAB Show they will introducing their new Wipster Review Panel for Premiere Pro. This exciting new panel puts everything great about Wipster video collaboration directly inside Premiere Pro.
The Wipster Review Panel is now available for free!
Visit Wipster at booth C1455 in the Central Hall.
Premiere Pro Paparazzi Cam (#PProPaparazzi)
This is going to be fun! If you are active in the Premiere Pro user community (especially on Twitter) then watch out! You might end up on Premiere Bro's "Premiere Pro Paparazzi" cam. These candid videos will showcase Premiere Pro and Premiere Pro users at NAB Show and will be shared on the Premiere Bro social channels with the hashtag #PProPaparazzi. This fun social activity will make the Premiere Pro user community look awesome! Play along and ham it up! Hopefully it will also connect well with Premiere Pro users not able to attend NAB Show.
Premiere Bro NAB Show Social Influencer
I remember laughing when I learned about MySpace. I would never believe it if someone told me I would be attending NAB Show 2016 largely thanks to a Twitter bird. Premiere Bro has the privilege of bringing you Premiere Pro highlights from NAB Show 2016 as a Social Influencer. This is all thanks to my fellow Premiere Pro users, like you!
Seriously Though, Thanks
If you have ever read a Premiere Bro blog post or a Week in Premiere recap, thank you. It's only the readership and engagement of Premiere Pro users like you that makes Premiere Bro what it is—the Premiere Pro User Blog and Fansite. Premiere Bro is eager to help editors feel plugged in and engaged with the Premiere Pro user community, whether you're able to attend NAB Show 2016 or not. Let's connect in person or on social, chat some Premiere Pro, and make 2016 the best NAB Show yet!, most cliche closing line ever. Except the "chat some Premiere Pro" part. That's real.
This post in now way makes me an authority on NAB Show. Just someone wanting to help Premiere Pro users. If you are a NAB Show veteran, please share your insights in the comments below. Your experience is valuable and it would be appreciated if you share it!
Premiere Bro NAB Show Sponsors
Premiere Bro is proud to be going to NAB Show 2016 thanks to the following sponsors:
Premiere Bro would like to thank Future Media Concepts for making this opportunity possible. FMC is "the nation's premier digital media training organization providing manufacturer-authorized training for professionals engaged in the production, editing, design and delivery of digital content." As far as Premiere Bro is concerned, FMC is responsible for the best Premiere Pro training events available to humans.
Premiere Bro would also like to thank JK Design for sponsoring this trip. JK Design is a New York/New Jersey full-service advertising agency for both B2C and B2B clients. I have been the video editor at JK Design for 3+ years and I am very grateful for JK Design's support of Premiere Bro by allowing me the time to attend events such as NAB Show.